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logo gents

Progressive Web Application which allows men to book haircut appointments, as well as provides hairdressers with possibility of renting a salon chair.

UX/UI design / PWA / Backend and API’s / React / Laravel / Quality Assurance

Cuttime project image
tsfc logo
TFS Compliance

TFSC is a digital all-in-one solution that helps to reduce risk, simplifies compliance and improves safety.

UX/UI design / Mobile & web app development / Quality Assurance / Backend and API’s / React Native / React / Laravel

tfs views on laptop and mobile
Toja logo
Toja Covers

Toja Covers is an e-commerce website that allows creation and purchase of custom furniture covers using the built-in 2D configurator.

UX/UI design / E-commerce development / Quality Assurance / Backend and API’s / Shopify / React / Node

toja page view on desktop
speeki logo

Speeki is an innovative AI-powered platform that exists to help entities improve their business performance and regulatory compliance.

Product design / Web app development / Mobile app development / Quality Assurance / Backend and API’s / React / React Native / Node

Speeki project on devices
Real Company logo
Real Inwestycje

Project containing multiple design assets such as RWD website, logo creation and brochure. The goal was to create a template website that can be used for different investment's of the client.

UX/UI design / Website development / Quality Assurance / Backend and API’s / Wordpress / React / Node

desktop view

Eatzon is a cutting-edge application designed for booking reservations and ordering dishes in restaurants.

Mobile app development / Backend and API’s / Node / React

project view
logo 8billion

An e-learning platform for children aged 10-14. The main goal of 8billionideas is to help children expand their potential.

Product design / Web app development / Backend and API’s / React / Node / Quality Assurance

8billion ideas view on desktop

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Dev and Deliver

sp. z o.o. sp. k.


Józefitów 8

30-039 Cracow, Poland


