
Speeki project on devices

01The project

In today's large corporations and small enterprises, it is especially important to ensure all voices are heard. For this purpose, Speeki perfectly serves - an innovative AI-powered platform that exists to help entities improve their business performance and regulatory compliance, earn a better reputation, manage ESG risks, and save time and effort.

The Speeki ecosystem unifies several applications and supporting microservices that allow tenants to collect views, reports, and opinions from their employees, customers, partners etc. For a couple of years now, our team of specialists has been actively working on this product, expanding its functionality, adding new tools, and maintaining existing ones.




Product design

Web app development

Mobile app development

Quality Assurance

Backend and API’s


React Native



Speeki project view
Speeki project on mobile
Speeki project on devices

The challenge

When the client came to us in early 2020, Speeki was known by a completely different name - ‘IntegraCall’ and at that time was only a whistleblower platform for safe and anonymous reports, so it did not have as many features and capabilities available to users as it does now. However, as the project progressed, the product evolved into a full-fledged, sophisticated solution requiring full-circle team involvement.

Old designs

Among other improvements, one of the upgrades that our team had to make was the platform design which could no longer correspond to the level and scale of Speeki. In addition, our clients needed a rebrand for their business, so they turned to a third-party marketing agency for help. We knew that the renewed company style would also affect digital products, so we were ready to make the necessary interface design changes as soon as needed.

Try before/after!

The solution

Back then, at Dev and Deliver software hosue, we started our collaboration with IntegraCall back then by supporting Java code and developing a new mobile app. Looking at the fruitful results of our work, the client had decided to trust our solid expertise and experience, and soon our short-term cooperation turned into a long-term working relationship. Over the years, our tech team (consisting of developers, testers, project managers, and DevOps engineers) has helped to scale and grow several Speeki products, while doing code refactoring, maintaining existing applications, and building new microservices from scratch.

At the same time, our product designers have been working hard to improve the user experience and overall usability of the platform. Moreover, after receiving a brand guide from Speeki (which included a color palette, typography etc), they have successfully implemented a new corporate identity in the existing interface and, based on it, created a highly scalable design system with universal components which Speeki could easily apply for further product extensions.


in progress




02Services & microservices

One of the main challenges was to create platforms for different types of users. Learn what microservices our Dev and Deliver team has been working on all this time, as well as for which end users they are intended.

User types

admin icon

Speeki admin

Company representative who has access to the admin panel called "Feature Manager" where he can configure tenant-wide settings.

client admin icon

Client admin

Tenant administrator who can track submitted forms, create surveys, and manage cases or other products available in his plan.

client user icon

Client user

Any current or former employee, partner, contractor, stakeholder of a client who sends reports using the mobile app or web portal.

Feature Manager

As mentioned earlier, Feature Manager is a complex, custom-made administrative panel for the Speeki employees, thanks to which they can register new clients, enable or disable product features for the tenants, add licenses and many more.

At the moment, all administrative activities are still being carried out on the old version of the platform. However, due to the outdated design and codebase, as well as old architecture, this tool has been in need of an update for a long time. In this regard, our design department has prepared a new visual solution of the platform. Soon we will start migrating the service to a new architecture and will present Feature Manager with renewed UX/UI.

Speeki project on devices

Case Manager

Case Manager provides a single, convenient platform for any type of report from client users – whether it was sent through the mobile app, web portal or was transmitted by phone. As soon as a new report arrives, a tenant administrator receives an email notification. After that, he can start analysing and managing the report by adding another individuals involved in this case, defining a triage score, assigning case ownership etc. All these actions will eventually lead to further investigation of the situation and successful resolution of the problem. With Speeki, whistleblowers can be confident that their reports are taken seriously and handled discreetly.

Together with our client, we have turned the previous platform into a legible interface and introduced new product features to improve case management.

Speeki project on devices

Web Portal and Mobile App

These are two applications that enable client users to make reports, participate in surveys, submit declarations, and so on. While using the apps, the users will be guided by the Speeki virtual assistant Nicole - an interactive Artificial Intelligence well-versed in capturing essential information to help whistleblowers answer all Reporting and Declare and Disclose questions. She will lead the user through all the compliance reporting processes.

Having built the new mobile app architecture, we have made this tool compliant, which means all sensitive data is encrypted and strictly protected. For added protection, our frontend and backend experts have implemented multi-factor authentication (MFA) in the mobile application and the web portal for the users who have an account on the Speeki platform

Speeki project on mobile
speeki project on devices

Want to light up your ideas with us?

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(+48) 789 188 353

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