Progressive Web Applications 

Take advantage of our highly functional cross-platform solutions with impeccable UX/UI design.

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01Our work

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Harness the power of Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) to elevate your online presence and deliver unparalleled user experiences. Discover the limitless possibilities of PWAs with our expert team of developers.

02Our offer of PWA technology

A Progressive Web App is a technology with the features of the application and the look of the website. Due to its seamless performance and numerous benefits for users, these solutions became the choice number one among other types of web apps. The most famous examples are Twitter, Tinder, Pinterest, Google Maps, and Starbucks PWAs. Dev and Deliver apply Laravel and React technologies to build the best PWA solutions for our clients. Our web application developers in Poland bring to the table not only extensive expertise but also practical experience. Team up with our company to make the most from the web and mobile apps for your PWA.

Dev and Deliver apply Laravel and React technologies to build the best PWA solutions for our clients. Our web application developers in Poland bring to the table not only extensive expertise but also practical experience. Team up with our company to make the most from the web and mobile apps for your PWA.


Increased conversion rate with progressive web app

Progressive Web App perform perfectly well offline on any device, which makes them more appealing for all categories of users.


Push notifications - user engagement maximised without installing the app

Re-engage users with real-life push notifications without the need to install an actual app.


Latest coding practises

Our web app developers combine their advanced skills and proficiency with the best-known coding practices that really work.


PWA Testing

Dev and Deliver QA & testing services ensure PWA interactivity and usability across multiple browsers and regardless of the selected device.

03See also why you should choose us

Our expert team helps to build an efficient PWA solution using the latest technologies. We guarantee the flawless performance of your application even with no Internet - our products are suitable for any screen size and any operating system. We pay great attention not only to the quality of our applications but also to data encryption - all our solutions are compliant with the security guidelines and recommendations.

Unique customer approach and, as a result, a custom Progressive Web App - that’s what we’re striving for. There are no two same applications - each one is tailored to meet the requirements of a certain category of users. That’s why we first discuss all the demands from our clients, gather information, clarify the details - and only then start working on a proper solution.

progressive web app development

Why hire us for your next project?

When and why you should choose PWA?

PWAs are now in high demand due to their multiple advantages. For more than 5 years in the IT industry, Dev and Deliver has gained significant experience and created plenty of PWA solutions. We can tell for sure what is expected from a successful PWA, how it should look like, and what functionality it should present. The team of our software company in Poland consists of dedicated professionals who rely on modern technologies but are ready to experiment and implement fresh ideas for even better solutions.

Of course, the choice between a PWA solution and other types of web applications depends on the required functionality and the needs of target users. Among the industries that benefit greatly from using Progressive Web Applications are e-commerce, marketplaces, banking and insurance spheres, etc. All these fields are targeting thousands of users at the same time and here’s when PWAs save the day and money, to be more precise. Such applications can handle numerous requests simultaneously and are much cheaper to build compared to web or mobile apps. Let’s have a closer look at some other benefits of this technology.

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04Pwa benefits - select the app name and start!

App-like behaviour

Offline mode

Hardware integrations

Web technologies

Fast loading time

App-like behaviour without native mobile app

All the features and usability of a mobile application are available in any browser with a PWA solution. There's no need to worry about storage capacity on the smartphone or install and update mobile apps. Instead, you can run an app in a browser and even receive automatic push notifications.



How to use PWA with app store, home screen, and installation on mobile devices?

What is PWA and how does it work?

What are the benefits of using PWA?

Is it true that PWA does not require installation from the App Store or Google Play?

Is PWA installable and does it work on the home screen?

Is PWA indexable and discoverable by search engines?

Does PWA work in full-screen mode?

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Dev and Deliver

sp. z o.o. sp. k.


Józefitów 8

30-039 Cracow, Poland


