Software House Rzeszów 

Dev and Deliver is ready to offer you professional development services for better business operations and sales increase.

Welcome to Dev and Deliver – your entryway to innovative software solutions. At Dev and Deliver, we pride ourselves on being more than just a simple development company. We are your trusted partner in digital transformation, specializing in both web and mobile solutions. We cooperate with clients from Rzeszów. Our team of professionals combines passion with expertise to take your business to the next level — find out more about us!

01Who are we?

We are Dev and Deliver — a dynamic and ambitious software development company who works with a passion for technology and innovation. Our team offers not only cutting-edge software solutions that cater to a range of industries, but also a deep understanding of both local and international markets.

We strive to be more than simple contractors — we want to be your long-term, trusted partners and are ready to prove our worth! At Dev and Deliver, we understand that every client has unique needs. That’s why we offer tailor-made solutions, guaranteeing that every piece of code we write contributes to a solution that’s not only functional, but also aligns perfectly with your business goals.

People at work
people at work

02Our expertise in web and mobile development

Our skilled team of engineers excels in creating dynamic, user-friendly websites that are not only visually appealing, but also well-optimized for e-commerce. From corporate websites to complex e-commerce platforms, we make sure that your digital presence is powerful and effective.

In the current year, mobile solutions are key to reaching a broader audience. We specialize in designing and implementing custom mobile applications that deliver exceptional user experiences on any device. We focus on cross-platform development to maximize your reach, making sure that your application delivers a seamless experience across all devices and platforms. Our team is skilled in the latest technologies, including AI and machine learning, to create apps that offer tangible benefits to your end-users.

Why choose Dev and Deliver?

  • Expert Team: Our team of professionals is not just skilled in technology, but also passionate about driving digital innovation.
  • Custom Solutions: We specialize in custom solutions that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of each client.
  • Long-Term Collaboration: We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients, ensuring continuous support and updates.
  • Transparent and Efficient: Our process is transparent and efficient, guaranteeing that we deliver on time and within budget.
  • Global Reach, Local Expertise: While we operate globally, our roots in Poland give us a unique understanding of both the local and international markets.

Want to take your business to the next level?

website contact

Custom development and user experience design

We understand that off-the-shelf solutions may not always meet the unique requirements of your business. That’s why we offer custom development services, creating software that is specifically designed to address your particular challenges and objectives. Our team works closely with you to understand your vision and translates it into a digital solution that aligns perfectly with your business strategy.

At the heart of our web development and mobile app development is a strong focus on user experience design. We believe that a great user experience is key to the success of any digital product. Our UI/UX experts ensure that every product is intuitive, engaging, and enjoyable to use, which not only attracts users, but also retains them.

At Dev and Deliver, we know the importance of seamless integration in today’s interconnected digital ecosystem. Our expertise in cloud solutions and blockchain technology keeps your digital platforms are efficient and future-proof.

Collaboration and transparency are at the core of our relationships with clients. As a trusted partner, we believe in creating long-term relationships built on trust and mutual respect. Our commitment to your success is reflected in our approach to every project — and the reviews from our satisfied clients!

03Let’s collaborate!

Are you ready to take the digital side of your business to the next level? Contact us at Dev and Deliver, where innovative solutions and passion for excellence come together to turn your ideas into reality. Let’s start a conversation about how we can help your company!

To learn more about our services or to discuss your project, please contact us. Our team is ready to collaborate and deliver solutions that will propel your business forward in the digital age.

04Latest posts



Dark mode made easy with variables



Pigment CSS - new library from Material UI



React 19 has been officially announced!



Next.js 14: Exploring fundamental concepts



Usability testing on a small scale



Build contextful conversation with IBM Watson Assistant



Improving compatibility of registry cache with GitLab Container Registry



Bun.js and RxJS REST API example



Website Accessibility



Testing frontend logic with JEST

Want to light up your ideas with us?

Józefitów 8, 30-039 Cracow, Poland

(+48) 789 188 353

NIP: 9452214307

REGON: 368739409