Symfony development 

Unleash the power of Symfony to build high-performance web applications, with our expert Symfony development services.

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01What it is

Symfony is a web application framework written in the PHP programming language. It follows the model-view-controller architectural pattern and is designed to help developers build robust, scalable, and maintainable web applications. It provides a set of reusable components and tools for common web development tasks, such as routing, forms, and security. Symfony development is quite popular in Poland. It is open-source software and is widely used in the development of enterprise-level web applications. This framework supports several different template engines, including Twig and PHP.

Benefits of using Symfony for your project

Using Symfony for your web development project can provide a number of advantages that can help to streamline the development process, improve the performance of your application, and increase its security. Some of the key benefits of Symfony include:

  • Symfony is built to handle large, complex applications and can easily scale to meet the needs of growing businesses. This allows for the seamless scaling of the application without the need for extensive re-architecting as the business expands.
  • It provides a set of reusable components that can be used to speed up development time and reduce the amount of code that needs to be written. This can help to save time and money, while also increasing the maintainability of code.
  • Another advantage is security. Symfony provides built-in security features to protect your application from common web-based attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection. This can help to keep the application and users' data safe and secure.
  • Symfony uses Doctrine ORM as a core component, which allows developers to interact with databases in an object-oriented way. Doctrine simplifies the process of performing CRUD operations on the data by generating the SQL queries and hydrating the data into objects, reducing the amount of code required. It also simplifies the process of working with databases and persisting data in web applications by using simple PHP classes called entities which map to the database tables.
  • It has a caching system that helps to increase the performance of your application and reduce the load on the server. This can make your application faster and more responsive, which can help to improve the user experience.
  • Symfony has a large and active community, which means that there are many resources available for developers to use, such as tutorials, documentation, and forums. This can make it easier for developers to find answers to questions and solve problems that may arise during the development process.

Where and when Symfony can be used?

Symfony is a versatile web application framework that can be a good choice for building a wide range of web applications, including content management systems, e-commerce platforms, enterprise web applications, social media platforms, and web APIs. It can be used in any environment where PHP is supported, and at any stage of development whether it's a new project or an existing one that has to be refactored or scaled. Symfony can be utilized by businesses of all sizes to meet their specific needs and requirements.

Overwhelmed by Symfony?

Harness our Symfony expertise to navigate complexities, ensuring efficient solutions and seamless performance for your projects.

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02Why choose us

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Trustworthy partnership

We put a strong emphasis on trust-based relationship with clients and appreciate when both sides can collaborate on achieving goals in the best way possible.

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High performance solutions

Our company adapts the technology stack to best suit the project’s needs and delivers solutions that will last and perform for years.

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Diverse background team

Diverse workplace helps team members to constantly expand their knowledge and bring to the table inputs from various fields and work sectors.

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Thorough quality assurance

Established and optimised QA processes that ensure less costs in the long-term. Both manual code reviews & automated tests are the way to go.

How our Symfony team is built and managed?

At Dev and Deliver, we believe that building and managing a Symfony team is essential to delivering high-quality, robust, and scalable web applications. Our team is composed of highly skilled and experienced developers, who are dedicated to using their expertise to help businesses succeed.

Symfony team structure is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing us to quickly respond to changing business needs. We have an experienced developers, who are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining web applications. Project manager works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and requirements, and ensure that projects are delivered on time and within budget. We use an agile methodology for managing our Symfony team, which allows us to deliver high-quality, responsive, and flexible web applications. This approach allows us to quickly adapt to changing business requirements and deliver value to our clients faster.

Want to light up your ideas with us?

Józefitów 8, 30-039 Cracow, Poland

(+48) 789 188 353

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